Faculty Directory
Name/Department | Office | Phone | |
Allison Acerra
MSN, Nursing
20 /112-O | 413-755-4825 | amacerra2301@taogoods.net |
Jason J. Alves
M.Ed, History
BA, History
AS, Help Desk Associate
17 /203 | 413-755-5418 | jjalves@taogoods.net |
Christina Atwater
BAS, Business & Management, General
BAS, Human Resources Dev/Training
13 /345 | 413-755-4062 | cratwater@taogoods.net |
Mary Bailey
MS, Medical/Surgical Assisting
BSN, Nursing
20 /112F | 413-755-4931 | mhbailey@taogoods.net |
Nicole M Bedinelli
MA, Mathematics Education
MA, Mathematics/Statistics
BS, Biology
BS, Mathematics Education
AA, General Studies
17 /325 | 413-755-4165 | nmbedinelli@taogoods.net |
Amanda Berthiaume
AS, Dental Hygiene
20 /203R | 413-755-4934 | aeberthiaume@taogoods.net |
Edward Bigos
BSEE, Electrical Engineering
17 /637 | 413-755-4544 | bigos@taogoods.net |
Ricardo Borgos
20 /112D | 413-755-4768 | rborgos2501@taogoods.net |
Lauren Brewer
MS, Mathematics, General
BS, Mathematics, General
17 /301 | 413-755-4791 | brewer@taogoods.net |
Holly Brinkmann
BS, Biology
02 /529 | 413-755-5209 | hbrinkmann@taogoods.net |
Austin Burt
MS, Biology
BA, Music Theory
02 /525 | 413-755-4671 | atburt@taogoods.net |
Brian L Candido
M.Ed, Technology
BS, Management Information Systems
AS, Programmer
17 /205 | 413-755-4876 | blcandido@taogoods.net |
Joshua Carreiro
MA, Sociology
BA, Philosophy
BA, Sociology
SHD, Sociology
17 /237 | 413-755-4631 | jlcarreiro@taogoods.net |
Laurie Cecchi
BS, Occupational Therapy/Assisting
20 /320G | 413-755-4881 | lacecchi2001@taogoods.net |
Amy Chenot
AS, Surgical Technology
20 /302A | 413-755-4887 | anchenot@taogoods.net |
Andrew Collins
MS, Cyber Security
BS, Business
AS, Computer Systems Engr Tech
AAS, Automotive Technology
17 /637 | 413-755-4759 | ajcollins@taogoods.net |
Wesley R Crouch
MBA, Business Admin and Management
17 /213 | 413-755-4092 | wrcrouch2001@taogoods.net |
Aimee Dalenta
Ed.D, Teaching and Learning
13 /314 | 413-755-4284 | adalenta@taogoods.net |
Jennifer a Deforge
MARCH, Architecture & Environmental
BA, Sustainable Architecture
AS, Architecture and Bldg Tech
COC, Civil Engineering Technology
17 /215 | 413-755-5212 | jadeforge@taogoods.net |
Cynthia Desellier
MS, Construction Eng/Constr Mgmt
BS, Civil Engineering
BS, Civil Technology
AS, Civil Engineering Technology
17 /303 | 413-755-4574 | cdesellier@taogoods.net |
John Diffley
MA, History
BA, History
17 /241 | 413-755-4627 | jjdiffley@taogoods.net |
Lineisha Dominicci-Rosario
AS, Mechanical Engineering Tech
111 /116B | 413-755-4602 | lmrosario@taogoods.net |
Fabiana Dos Santos Malavaes
MS, Mathematics, General
BA, Math/Computer Science
17 /331 | 413-755-4617 | fdossantosmalavaes@taogoods.net |
Karen Drumheller
BA, Music Business
COC, Medical Assistant
20 /302J | 413-755-5434 | kbdrumheller0001@taogoods.net |
Seth Dupuis
MA, Criminal Justice/Criminology
BS, Criminal Justice/Criminology
AS, Criminal Justice/Criminology
17 /225 | 413-755-4411 | sadupuis@taogoods.net |
Andrew Durand
COC, Energy Systems Technology
32 /103 | 413-755-5309 | ajdurand@taogoods.net |
Kelson Ettienne-Modeste
BS, Biology
02 /515 | 413-755-4609 | kjettienne-modeste@taogoods.net |
Marissa Ferrentino
MS, Nursing
20 /112F | 413-755-5754 | mferrentino2101@taogoods.net |
Denise Flaim
MA, Liberal/General Studies
BA, English, General
13 /208 | 413-755-4262 | dflaim@taogoods.net |
Scott M Frink
BS, Business Management
AS, Respiratory Care
20 /302D | 413-755-4878 | smfrink@taogoods.net |
Lucinda Fuller
M.Ed, Education, General
BS, Health Science
AS, Physical Therapist Assistant
20 /302N | 413-755-4859 | cfuller@taogoods.net |
Ann-Marie Gagne
MA, Mathematics, General
BA, Economics
BS, Mathematics, General
17 /329 | 413-755-4809 | afgagne2501@taogoods.net |
Louis Gentile
Ph.D, Psychology
MS, Psychology
BA, Psychology
17 /229 | 413-755-4694 | lgentile@taogoods.net |
Ann Gervais
MBA, Business
BBA, Bus. Management & Accounting
13 /338 | 413-755-5705 | apgervais@taogoods.net |
Renae Gorman
Ed.D, Education
DS, Health Sciences & Allied Health
DPT, Physical Therapy/Assisting
MS, Physical Therapy/Assisting
BS, Physical Therapy/Assisting
20 /302M | 413-755-4844 | rgorman@taogoods.net |
Stephen Grader
32 /103 | sgrader@taogoods.net | |
Thomas Guzowski
DPT, Physical Therapy/Assisting
BS, Exercise Science
20 /302M | 413-755-4880 | teguzowski@taogoods.net |
Doris Haber
AS, Nursing
20 /112N | 413-755-4788 | dahaber@taogoods.net |
Zahi N Haddad
MS, Electrical Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
AS, Engineering Transfer
17 /309 | 413-755-4679 | zhaddad@taogoods.net |
Renee Hastings
BS, Dental Hygiene
20 /236 | 413-755-4900 | rmhastings2301@taogoods.net |
Andrew Held
17 /635 | 413-755-4579 | aheld2501@taogoods.net |
Sherilyn Herron
MSN, Nursing
BSN, Nursing (registered/Bsn)
20 /112-H | 413-755-4941 | slherron0001@taogoods.net |
Vanessa Hill
Ph.D, Mathematics Education
MS, Mathematics, General
BA, Mathematics, General
17 /411 | 413-755-4797 | vhill@taogoods.net |
Deborah Jacques
DNP, Nursing (practical Nursing)
MS, Nursing
BS, Nursing
20 /112Q | 413-755-4925 | dbjacques@taogoods.net |
Richard Jagodowski
MS, Electrical Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
17 /633 | 413-755-4594 | jagodowski@taogoods.net |
Donna Mae Jones
MSN, Nursing
BS, Nursing
20 /112K | 413-755-4329 | djones@taogoods.net |
Pamela Jongbloed
MFA, Creative Writing
MA, English, General
BA, English, General
13 /245 | 413-755-4610 | pjongbloed@taogoods.net |
Jennifer Kalisz
AS, Nursing
20 /112-M | 413-755-4856 | jekalisz0001@taogoods.net |
Samantha Kelley
M.Ed, Health Education
BS, Dental Hygiene
AA, Dental Hygiene
20 /203A | 413-755-4879 | shkelley2101@taogoods.net |
Fahad Khan
Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering
MS, Mechanical Engineering
MBA, Industrial Management
BS, Mechanical Engineering
32 /103 | 413-755-5308 | fakhan@taogoods.net |
Matthew Kriftcher
MS, Teacher Education, General
BA, Graphic Communications & Art
ED.S, Industrial Ed. & Environmental
14 /211 | 413-755-4312 | mbkriftcher@taogoods.net |
Robyn Ledwith
BA, Health Care Administration
AA, General Studies
COC, Medical Assistant
20 /302-O | 413-755-4871 | raledwith@taogoods.net |
Eun Soo Lee
M.Ed, Literacy Studies
BA, English Education
BA, Psychology
AS, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
20 /302E | 413-755-4915 | elee@taogoods.net |
Mary Loadholt
MAED, Adult and Continuing Education
BS, Dental Hygiene
20 /240 | 413-755-4858 | mmloadholt@taogoods.net |
Alexander Lozada
AS, Mechanical Engineering Tech
COC, Mechanical Engineering Tech
/ | ajlozada0001@taogoods.net | |
Joseph Maciaszek
Ph.D, Immunology/ Virology
BS, Microbiology
AS, Biology Transfer
02 /532 | 413-755-4717 | jwmaciaszek@taogoods.net |
Michael Magala
JD, Doctor of Political Science
MA, Economics
BA, Economics
13 /341 | 413-755-4613 | mmagala@taogoods.net |
Jean-Marie Magnier
MS, Mathematics, General
MS, Statistics
BS, Mathematics, General
17 /409 | 413-755-4719 | jmmagnier@taogoods.net |
Erica Martins
AS, Nursing
20 /112E | 413-755-4367 | eamartins@taogoods.net |
Nicholas Massa
Ph.D, Educational Leadership/Adult
MA, Educational Leadership/Adult
MS, Electrical Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
/ | massa@taogoods.net | |
Sara Mavredakis
20 /112B | 413-755-5756 | smavredakis2501@taogoods.net |
Beth C McGinnis-Cavanaugh
MS, Civil Engineering
BS, Civil Engineering
AS, Engineering Transfer
17 /339 | 413-755-4591 | bmcginnis-cavanaugh@taogoods.net |
Daniel M Misco
M.Ed, Instructional Design
BS, Communication & Communication Technology
AS, Graphic Design
02 /716 | 413-755-4573 | dmmisco@taogoods.net |
Sarah Missildine
MS, Nursing
BS, Nursing (registered/Bsn)
20 /112 | semissildine@taogoods.net | |
Gary Mullett
MS, Electrical Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
17 /635 | 413-755-4600 | gmullett@taogoods.net |
Tricia Nyarkoh
MS, Dental Hygiene
AS, Liberal/General Studies
/ | tanyarkoh2401@taogoods.net | |
Darlene G. O'Brien
MS, Dental Hygiene
AS, Dental Hygiene
20 /244 | 413-755-4910 | dgobrien@taogoods.net |
Philip O'Donoghue
MFA, Theater
13 /243 | 413-755-4233 | pcodonoghue@taogoods.net |
Renee Paquet
BS, Physician Assisting
COC, Radiology/Radiologic Technology
20 /302K | 413-755-4850 | rpaquet2201@taogoods.net |
Ashley Pease
MS, Social Sciences, General
13 /233 | 413-755-4280 | apease@taogoods.net |
Melissa Pereira
M.Ed, Education
BS, Health Information Management
AS, Medical Coding & Billing Spec
13 /326 | 413-755-4680 | mapereira2001@taogoods.net |
Shana Perez
BAED, Liberal/General Studies
AA, Education - General
20 /302C | 413-755-4975 | scperez@taogoods.net |
Sondra Peron
MFA, Studio Art
BA, Philosophy
AS, Fine Arts/Visual Communication
AS, Fine Arts
17 /245 | 413-755-4231 | speron@taogoods.net |
Kristy Perry
BA, English, General
13 /214 | 413-755-4572 | keperry@taogoods.net |
Kenneth Petit
MS, Biology
BS, Biology
02 /528 | 413-755-4589 | kepetit@taogoods.net |
Nancy Pickett
MA, Literature, English/American
BA, English Education
13 /210 | 413-755-4258 | npickett@taogoods.net |
Laura Piquette
MBA, Health Care Administration
BS, Health Information Management
13 /324 | 413-755-5461 | lpiquette@taogoods.net |
Meaghan Piretti
BA, Liberal/General Studies
AS, Radiologic Technology
20 /302F | 413-755-4863 | mnpiretti@taogoods.net |
Brandon Poe
Ph.D, Neuroscience
BS, Psychology
02 /531 | 413-755-4590 | bhpoe@taogoods.net |
Aimee Racicot
AS, Nursing
20 /112A | 413-755-4842 | arracicot2201@taogoods.net |
Reena Randhir
Ph.D, Biology
02 /527 | 413-755-4618 | rrandhir@taogoods.net |
Lisa Rapp
Ph.D, Biomedical Science
BS, Biochemistry
02 /533 | 413-755-5254 | lrapp@taogoods.net |
Frances Riddle
MFA, Installation
MFA, Painting
BFA, Painting
AA, Fine Arts
28 /101 | 413-755-5288 | fmriddle@taogoods.net |
James Riddle
Ph.D, English, General
13 /247 | 413-755-4691 | jwriddle@taogoods.net |
Luz Rios-Garcia
20 /302P | 413-755-4951 | lpriosgarcia2101@taogoods.net |
Anthony Rondinelli
MBA, Accounting
MBA, Business & Management, General
BS, Marketing Mgmt. & Research
AS, Business
13 /340 | 413-755-4316 | arondinelli@taogoods.net |
Sarah Royston
AS, Surgical Technology
/ | saroyston0001@taogoods.net | |
Philip Ruderman
BS, Biomed Photographic Comm
14 /210 | 413-755-4324 | ruderman@taogoods.net |
Charles Ruotolo
BS, Electrical Engineering
20 /121 | 413-755-4898 | ceruotolo@taogoods.net |
Diane R Sabato
M.Ed, Curriculum& Instructional Tech
BA, Psychology
AS, Help Desk Associate
COC, Architecture and Bldg Tech
13 /347 | 413-755-4836 | dsabato@taogoods.net |
Sherry Sausville
M.Ed, Reading
M.Ed, Secondary Education
BA, English, General
13 /212 | 413-755-4265 | sausville@taogoods.net |
Ingo Schranz
Ph.D, Chemistry
MS, Chemistry
17 /209 | 413-755-4596 | ischranz2201@taogoods.net |
Theresa Shea
Ed.D, Education Psychology
M.Ed, Reading
BA, Elementary Education
CERT, School Adminstration
13 /242 | 413-755-4254 | tvshea@taogoods.net |
Xiaoling Sheng
Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering
MS, Mechanical Engineering
BS, Engineering
17 /327 | 413-755-4697 | ssheng@taogoods.net |
Antonio C Silvestri
MS, Computer & Information Science
MS, Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
17 /333 | 413-755-4621 | silvestri@taogoods.net |
Steven Sinkwich
COC, Mechanical Engineering Tech
/ | sjsinkwich@taogoods.net | |
Thomas P Smith
BS, Landscape Architecture
AS, Landscape Design & Mgmt Tech
17 /335 | 413-755-4604 | tsmith@taogoods.net |
Lindsey Snow
AS, Medical Laboratory Technician
20 / | lmsnow@taogoods.net | |
Diane Snyder
M.Ed, Education, General
BS, Electrical Engineering
17 /305 | 413-755-4945 | dsnyder@taogoods.net |
Yasotha Sriharan
MFA, Creative Writing
13 /241 | 413-755-4263 | ysriharan@taogoods.net |
Amy Stephenson
MA, Sociology
BA, Sociology
17 /243 | 413-755-4693 | ajstephenson@taogoods.net |
Monica Strzempko
MS, Biology
BA, History
02 /530 | 413-755-5605 | mstrzempko@taogoods.net |
Renee G Tetrault
M.Ed, Education
M.Ed, Leadership
BS, Business Education
AS, Executive Ofc Administration
13 /343 | 413-755-4099 | rgtetrault@taogoods.net |
Lynn Valeri
/ | lavaleri2401@taogoods.net | |
John Wakelin
M.Ed, Education, Other Subject Area
BA, Cinema
AS, Communications
02 /718 | 413-755-4194 | jwakelin@taogoods.net |
Jennifer Wallace-Johnson
MS, Social Work
BS, Social Work
13 /231 | 413-755-4832 | jwjohnson@taogoods.net |
Barbara Washburn
MA, Education, General
MS, Electrical Engineering
BS, Electrical Engineering
17 /311 | 413-755-4587 | washburn@taogoods.net |
Cristy L Wassung
BA, Liberal/General Studies
AS, Occupational Therapy Assistant
AC, Adult and Continuing Education
20 /302H | 413-755-4891 | clwassung@taogoods.net |
Donna Woshinsky
MSN, Nursing
BS, Nursing
20 /112P | 413-755-4848 | dwoshinsky@taogoods.net |
Giuseppina Znoj
AS, Respiratory Care
20 /302B | 413-755-5707 | gznoj2001@taogoods.net |